Jim Cramer's Investing Rule 15: Don't Forget About Bonds
Jim Cramer's Investing Rule 15: Don't Forget About Bonds

Action Alerts Plus portfolio manager and TheStreet's founder Jim Cramer has learned a lot over his 30+ years of investing.

So he created a list of 25 Rules for Investing that can help you avoid the novice pitfalls that even he fell into on occasion.

Many people who got in this game in the last decade still don't even know what bonds are.

Rule 15: Don't Forget About Bonds Always keep those bond prices and interest rates in front of you, says Cramer.

Granted, we have had the ideal environment for stocks: low inflation and low interest rates.

"But I fear it has lulled us into not being careful -- or careful enough -- if we get a big spike in rates," he says.

So you need to watch more than the stocks.

"If this were basketball, I would be saying that you can't just watch the man with the ball," he says.

Listen to Rule #15 to hear why now!

And don't forget, we still are rolling out one-rule-a-day until we hit 25!

So stay tuned!

Sign up and watch Jim Cramer's 25 Rules For Investing here!

And for more Investing Rules, watch these: Jim Cramer's Investing Rule 13: No Woulda, Shoulda, Couldas Jim Cramer's Investing Rule 12: Cash Is for Winners Jim Cramer's Investing Rule 11: Don't Own Too Many Stocks Jim Cramer's Investing Rule 11: Don't Own Too Many Stocks Jim Cramer's Investing Rule 10: Bad Buys Won't Become Takeovers