Even a little physical activity pays big dividends to high-risk breast cancer patients
Even a little physical activity pays big dividends to high-risk breast cancer patients

The results of a study on breast cancer patients show that women who exercise not only live longer, but also are more likely to remain cancer-free after their treatment.These are the findings of a comprehensive analysis of exercise and its protective role for high-risk breast cancer patients.

The study suggests that even a modest amount of exercise can be beneficial.Cannioto's study was part of a clinical trial run by SWOG Cancer Research Network, a cancer clinical trials network funded by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and a member of the oldest and largest publicly-funded research network in the nation.

Study results are published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, and featured in the most recent edition of the NCI's Cancer Currents blog.

Research has long shown a positive correlation between exercise and cancer survival.