25 DAYS OF FUEL LEFT! - MASSIVE SHOCK To US Supply Chain! - This Could Be BIG! - Economy In Peril
25 DAYS OF FUEL LEFT! - MASSIVE SHOCK To US Supply Chain! - This Could Be BIG! - Economy In Peril

Josh Sigurdson reports on the collapse of the supply chain as the US faces a shortage of diesel.

Just 25 days remain until the country runs out of the fuel necessary to bring food and good throughout the country.

All the while, we're seeing an energy crisis, inflation, recession, war and potential starvation.

This is not going to end easily.

The time is now to get prepared as the Great Reset is on our doorstep and creeping into our homes.

They want you to be desperate so you accept their evil new world order technocracy agenda.

The new cashless economy is right around the corner as BRICS readies the so-called "solution" to the problems the globalists created in the first place.

This includes carbon credits, social credit and more.