Balenciaga BDSM Kids Ad/Kanye West Vs Tim Pool/Liver King Lies? | The Whiskey Capitalist | 11.30.22
Balenciaga BDSM Kids Ad/Kanye West Vs Tim Pool/Liver King Lies? | The Whiskey Capitalist | 11.30.22

Tonight we discuss the disturbing Balenciaga ad campaign that depicted BDSM-style merchandise with children in the images, and also how they have deleted their Twitter and Instagram accounts because of the validated backlash.

We also talk about the Timcast IRL livestream from Monday that had Kanye West, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Nick Fuentes walking out after just over 20 minutes.

Tim Pool has received backlash for his way of conducting the interview and Kanye has received backlash for his inability to have a conversation that asked difficult questions.

We discuss the complexities of the situation.

We also talk about the Liver King and the recent allegations of using steroids while he claims he is clean.