Governor Ron DeSantis Blocks African American History AP Course in Florida
Governor Ron DeSantis Blocks African American History AP Course in Florida

Governor Ron DeSantis , Blocks African American History, AP Course in Florida.

ABC News reports that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' administration has rejected a high school Advanced Placement African American history course.

The Florida Department of Education said the course is , "inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value.".

If the course comes into compliance and incorporates historically accurate content, the department will reopen the discussion, Florida DOE official, via ABC.

ABC News reports that the course is currently being taught in pilot programs across the country with plans to make it available to any high school that wants it by 2024.

ABC News reports that DeSantis' decision signifies his latest effort to combat "woke"-ness in education.

We seek normalcy, not philosophical lunacy, we will not allow reality, facts and truth to become optional.

We will never surrender to the woke mob.

Florida is where woke goes to die, Ron DeSantis, via ABC.

DeSantis' administration has pushed the "Stop WOKE" Act, which aims to restrict race-related content in workplaces, schools and colleges.

DeSantis' administration has pushed the "Stop WOKE" Act, which aims to restrict race-related content in workplaces, schools and colleges.

ABC News reports that law has been temporarily blocked and is currently facing legal opposition.

DeSantis' administration is also responsible for the Parental Rights in Education Law aimed at restricting content on sexual orientation and gender identity in classrooms. DeSantis' administration is also responsible for the Parental Rights in Education Law aimed at restricting content on sexual orientation and gender identity in classrooms