The WEF and Elites Plan To Destabilize And Destroy Russia
The WEF and Elites Plan To Destabilize And Destroy Russia

Ask just about anyone in the US today what they think about the Ukraine Russia situation and you will most likely hear tones of Ukrainian sympathies.

The mainstream media has propagandized well the plight of the Ukrainians and the evil of the Russians.

You’ll hear that Zelensky is a hero and Putin is a demon.

Are we so quick to listen to the MSM which has lied to us time and again?

Don’t the Russians have an opportunity to explain themselves?

Were there people and things in Ukraine that threatened Russia?

Did they see an imminent threat on their border that needed to be met in force?

Nobody talks about the ethnic Russians that lived in eastern Ukraine, who were persecuted by the Ukrainians.

All the bad guys hate the Russians, so isn’t that some sort of proof that something sinister is afoot?

Tonight, I’ll look at the people and the effort of the people who are trying to destroy Russia.