Owen Shroyer Hosts The War Room 03 13 23 Silicon Valley Bank Was the most Woke Bank
Owen Shroyer Hosts The War Room 03 13 23 Silicon Valley Bank Was the most Woke Bank

Silicon Valley Bank Was the most Woke Bank Of Them All Funding Green Energies and Clean Tech Startups Which May Soon Collapse The biggest story entering today was the collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank which could have major implications for other banks and the larger markets.

It turns out, as James Comer called it, SVB was the most woke bank in America.

However, despite this being one of the biggest collapses in American history, the media is mostly silent.

Owen Shroyer explains what he thinks is really going on.

Albert Bourla of Pfizer makes a major announcement today.

Joe Biden still won’t do any press conferences and hasn;t signed the origins of covid bill.

The LGBTQ+ mafia is reaches new levels of sickness and derrangement.