BRICS Launches Revolutionary Raw Materials Trading Platform
BRICS Launches Revolutionary Raw Materials Trading Platform

BRICS countries are shaking up the global economic order with a revolutionary Raw Materials Exchange Platform challenging Western dominance in trade.

This explicative video reveals Russia's strategic vision for an alternative financial system, mutual settlement system, and a BRICS Exchange of Raw Materials to achieve economic independence from Western dominance.

Gain insights from Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov on BRICS' ambitious initiatives, including the discussion around creating a common currency unit (long-term goal), addressing commodity pricing concerns, and establishing a BRICS Grain Exchange to challenge Western control over global food security.

Explore BRICS' drive for trade integration, de-dollarization, and a less centralized global economic order.

Get the inside scoop on expanding BRICS' global influence through new members and partner states, particularly in strategic energy markets and agricultural products.

Experience a rare glimpse into the future of international finance and foreign currency dynamics.